Onboard businesses faster with end-to-end KYB

Streamline and automate global know your business (KYB) processes with our integrated KYB-KYC solution.

Trusted by startups & the world’s largest companies

KYB as seamless as KYC

Get everything you need to automatically verify, investigate, and onboard businesses and the people behind them.
Talk to a product expert
Run the KYB-KYC lifeycle from one place
Make faster decisions by collecting data and documents, verifying businesses and people, and reviewing edge cases without leaving the platform.
Verify more businesses with Contextual Matching
Gain greater accuracy and control in verification decisions with Contextual Matching powered by AI. Verify businesses globally with connections to 150+ official business registries.
Get a 360° view of business and UBO risk
Automatically screen businesses against global watchlists and adverse media publications. Mix-and-match verification and screening methods for ultimate beneficial owners (UBOs) and link individuals and entities for a holistic view of risk.
Convert more businesses
Control the branding and experience of your custom flows with flexible data and document collection. Dynamically adjust friction to convert more good users based on business and individual risk signals.

Collect business data and documents

Build a custom KYB flow to collect any business information. Reduce back-and-forth between you and the business you’re verifying by requesting supplemental documents at any point of the flow.

Verify and screen businesses in real time

Instantly see if a business is legitimate by searching against authoritative data sources like national business registries. Make better decisions by enriching business profiles with additional risk signals and automatic list screenings, like business watchlists and adverse media reports.

Verify UBOs in the same flow

Automatically send and trigger KYC flows for each UBO, reducing friction for your end customers. Verify UBOs with their preferred verification method, whether it’s mobile driver license, NFC, or any other Persona verification.

Consolidate all your data in one place

Reduce back-and-forth with a centralized hub that allows you to view all business and UBO data for edge cases that can’t be automatically approved. Decrease your operations team’s workload with automated decisioning via a no-code workflow builder.
We can bring everything into a single view with Persona’s KYB solution. Our compliance team can easily stay on top of all the moving pieces for our KYB process.
Laura Abreu
Compliance Manager at Dapper Labs
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Everything you need for KYB

Verify businesses for 100+ countries
Spend less time integrating data sources and more time onboarding businesses with 150+ global data sources available from a single integration.
Ongoing business monitoring
Comply with regulatory due diligence by screening businesses against watchlists and adverse media on an ongoing basis.
Business owner screening
Pick and choose from a robust set of verification methods and screen against watchlists, adverse media reports, and more to verify each UBO.
Flexible document collection
Collect and verify any documentation regardless of format, such as business registrations or certificates of incorporation, and extract the data you need.
Automation engine
Build custom low-code automation and customize any part of the KYB process. Plus, kick-off actions in third-party systems like Hubspot and Zendesk.
Automatic audit logs
Keep logs of all KYB/KYC/AML identity checks and decisions in one place. Build an audit trail without storing PII in your own system.

See how other teams use Persona

WeTravel performs international KYB 100x faster and builds its ideal review process with Persona’s configurable building blocks

Travel, Know your business (KYB), Operational efficiency, Fraud prevention, Verifications, Reports, Workflows, Cases, Graph, WeTravel

Discogs quickly verifies music lovers to meet INFORM Consumers Act requirements with Persona’s Know Your Seller solution

Marketplace, compliance, operational efficiency, trust & safety, know your business (KYB), verifications, dynamic flow, workflows, cases, discogs

Branch unites KYB & KYC with Persona to onboard more businesses quickly

Branch, Fintech, Know your business (KYB), KYC/AML compliance, Fraud prevention, Operational efficiency, Cases, Dynamic Flow, Reports, Verifications, Workflows

Ready to get started?

Get in touch or start exploring Persona today.