The Anti-Money Laundering International Database, or AMLID, is a database containing an analysis of AML laws and regulations around the world. The database also contains the contact information for countries’ anti-money laundering authorities. It was designed to be a reference tool for law enforcement officials, investigators, and other individuals working on money laundering cases involving multiple jurisdictions.

Frequently asked questions

Who manages AMLID?

AMLID is managed and administered by the International Money Laundering Information Network (IMoLIN). IMoLIN was established by the United Nations in 1998.

Who are IMoLIN’s 11 partner organizations?

IMoLIN’s partner organizations are:

  1. Asia/Pacific Group on Money Laundering (APG)
  2. Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF)
  3. Commonwealth Secretariat
  4. Council of Europe - MONEYVAL
  5. Eastern and Southern Africa Anti-Money Laundering Group (ESAAMLG)
  6. Eurasian Group (EAG)
  7. Financial Action Task Force (FATF)
  8. Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering in South America (GAFISUD)
  9. Inter-Governmental Action Group Against Money Laundering in West Africa (GIABA)
  10. Interpol
  11. Organization of American States - Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission  (OAS/CICAD)

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